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Timer Module


Copyright (c) 2023 Anthony Mugendi

This software is released under the MIT License.


Timer Class.

This class helps you to create high precision timers to measure any code processes.

  • timer_type (Literal[, optional): Determines what clock is used. Defaults to "performance". timer_type can only take the following string values:

    1. "performance": the most precise clock in the system.
    2. "process": measures the CPU time, meaning sleep time is not measured.
    3. "long_running": it is an increasing clock that do not change when the date and or time of the machine is changed.
  • disable_garbage_collect (bool, optional): Determines if garbage collection is disabled.

    Defaults to True.


    With high precision timers, it is best to disable garbage collection so that it does not affect how long the code actually takes to run.

Example Usage

import time
from wraptimer import Timer

# initialize
t = Timer(timer_type="performance")
# start timer
# some long running code
# stop timer
# get duration taken to run
print('took', t.time_string)
Source code in wraptimer/
class Timer:

    # Timer Class.
    This class helps you to create high precision timers to measure any code processes.

    ## Args:
    - `timer_type` (Literal[, optional):
        Determines what clock is used.
        Defaults to "performance".
        `timer_type` can only take the following string values:

        1. "performance": the most precise clock in the system.
        2. "process": measures the CPU time, meaning sleep time is not measured.
        3. "long_running": it is an increasing clock that do not change when
            the date and or time of the machine is changed.

    - `disable_garbage_collect` (bool, optional):
        Determines if garbage collection is disabled.

        Defaults to True.

        !!! Note
            With high precision timers, it is best to disable garbage collection
            so that it does not affect how long the code actually takes to run.

    # Example Usage


    import time
    from wraptimer import Timer

    # initialize
    t = Timer(timer_type="performance")
    # start timer
    # some long running code
    # stop timer
    # get duration taken to run
    print('took', t.time_string)


    _counter_start: Optional[int] = None
    _counter_stop: Optional[int] = None
    _is_started = False

    def __init__(
        timer_type: Literal["performance", "process", "long_running"] = "performance",
        disable_garbage_collect: bool = True,
    ) -> None:
        self.timer_type = timer_type
        self.disable_garbage_collect = disable_garbage_collect

    def start(self) -> None:
        """Starts the timer ."""
        if self._is_started:

        if self.disable_garbage_collect:
        self._counter_start = self.__get_counter()

        self._is_started = True

    def stop(self) -> None:
        """Stops the timer ."""
        self._counter_stop = self.__get_counter()
        if self.disable_garbage_collect:

        self._is_started = False

    def time_nanosec(self) -> float:
        """Get number of nanoseconds taken from start() to stop().

            `float`: nanoseconds as a float
        return self._counter_stop - self._counter_start  # type: ignore

    def time_sec(self) -> float:
        """Get number of seconds taken from start() to stop().

            `float`: seconds as a float
        return self.time_nanosec / 1e9

    def time_millisec(self) -> float:
        """Get number of milliseconds taken from start() to stop().

            `float`: milliseconds as a float
        return self.time_nanosec / 1e6

    def time_microsec(self) -> float:
        """Get number of microseconds taken from start() to stop().

            `float`: microseconds as a float
        return self.time_nanosec / 1e3

    def time_units(self) -> dict:
        """Get dictionary of time taken from start() to stop().

            `float`: nanoseconds as a float
        timers = [
            {"units": "s", "value": self.time_sec},
            {"units": "ms", "value": self.time_millisec},
            {"units": "μs", "value": self.time_microsec},
            {"units": "ns", "value": self.time_nanosec},

        # print(timers)

        filtered = list(filter(lambda t: t["value"] > 1, timers))

        return filtered[0]

    def time_string(self) -> str:
        """Get human readable duration taken from start() to stop().

            `str`: human readable duration
        took = self.time_units
        return "{} {}".format(took["value"], took["units"])

    def __get_counter(self) -> int:
        counter: int
        if self.timer_type == "performance":
            counter = time.perf_counter_ns()
        elif self.timer_type == "process":
            counter = time.process_time_ns()
        elif self.timer_type == "long_running":
            counter = time.monotonic_ns()

        return counter

    def __valid_start_stop(self) -> Optional[NoReturn]:
        if self._counter_start is None:
            raise ValueError("Timer has not been started.")
        if self._counter_stop is None:
            raise ValueError("Timer has not been stopped.")
        return None

time_microsec property

time_microsec: float

Get number of microseconds taken from start() to stop().

Returns: float: microseconds as a float

time_millisec property

time_millisec: float

Get number of milliseconds taken from start() to stop().

Returns: float: milliseconds as a float

time_nanosec property

time_nanosec: float

Get number of nanoseconds taken from start() to stop().

Returns: float: nanoseconds as a float

time_sec property

time_sec: float

Get number of seconds taken from start() to stop().

Returns: float: seconds as a float

time_string property

time_string: str

Get human readable duration taken from start() to stop().

Returns: str: human readable duration

time_units property

time_units: dict

Get dictionary of time taken from start() to stop().

Returns: float: nanoseconds as a float


start() -> None

Starts the timer .

Source code in wraptimer/
def start(self) -> None:
    """Starts the timer ."""
    if self._is_started:

    if self.disable_garbage_collect:
    self._counter_start = self.__get_counter()

    self._is_started = True


stop() -> None

Stops the timer .

Source code in wraptimer/
def stop(self) -> None:
    """Stops the timer ."""
    self._counter_stop = self.__get_counter()
    if self.disable_garbage_collect:

    self._is_started = False